Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Rhiannon the Dog

From Monica:
Can you please join as I beg our loving God and with the Help of St. Francis and St. Martin de Porres

For my doggie Rhiannon. She is in her last hope treatment. She is older and is in pain due to joint problems.

Boy do I love her but I don’t’ want to be selfish and make her suffer.

I am begging Lord through the merits of his infancy for the medication to work and for her to get better.

And when the times come for me to be strong and return her to God.

Thank you Esther!!!! I love your blog and pray for all pets. God really does love us be sending us these great animals.


  1. for you & yours, LORD hear our prayer,

  2. Thank you so much. God bless you and hear you.

    For all the pets in this world, and for all the creatures God has given us, let us pray!!



Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.