Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Clifford the Dog

From Vicky:
This request is for my sick dog Clifford. I do not have children and my two dogs, which are littermates; 6 years old, are my "kids" and I love them both with all my heart.

Almost two months ago, I brought Clifford in to the vet because he seemed to be suffering from his typical "skin allergies." The doctors looked at him and said that it did not look like he was getting circulation to the ear tips and that his skin had a fungus. They did some blood work and diagnosed him with a low thyroid.

Within a couple of weeks, his skin got a little better with the medication for the fungus, but, even though he was also taking antibiotics in addition to thyroid meds, overall he seemed to be feeling worse then he did before I brought him to the vet. When I brought him back, they noted the new symptoms and said he also had an immune disorder and put him on more antibiotics and added steroid pills. All gradually seemed to be getting better for the next few weeks, with the exception of his ears, which began to form large scabs. I attributed it to the ears not getting the proper circulation which caused scabs when healing.

One evening after I got home, he was rubbing his head on the floor and pulled one of the scabs off. It began to bleed, and being the ear, I could not get the bleeding to stop so I wrapped his head until I could get him to the vet to get it cauterized. They did so, wrapped his head, said to leave it for a couple of days then unwrap. I did so, only to discover BOTH ears bleeding. After a week of trying to control it, I brought him back in last week to get them cauterized again so we decided to let him stay overnight with the ears unwrapped and go with a biopsy of the ear tissue to find out the type of immune disorder he is suffering from so we can get proper treatment.

When I picked him up the following day, both ears began bleeding in four places. When I got home, I then noticed he had scratched his eyelids and nose and they all were bleeding. A couple of days later, his snout became extremely dry and he began so sound congested. By Monday, January 3, around the eyes became so swollen that it is now causing his lower lids to sag. He looks and feels awful. I brought him to the EMergency vet, concerned it may be a reaction or something only to be told that it is all probably immune related and I have to wait for results.

I have to keep him sedated so he doesn't try to pull the ear bandages off while I am at work. But when I take them off, the ears won't heal from being wrapped! He is just getting worse and I know that he can die if we do not find the right course of treatment soon! With the holidays... the biopsy results are taking longer to come back. I need prayers that we get answers before it is too late and that he gets better instead of worse, which he seems to have something new everyday! I am frustrated and trying to be patient, but scared to death that I might lose him. Although it may sound silly, these dogs are my world.

Please send prayers that he can heal! Please help! This is almost 2 months overall and he isn't getting better!
Thank you for your beautiful site, for listening. Any prayers I can get for him would be greatly appreciated.

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