Saturday, January 1, 2011

Sad News on Dennis the Cat; Prayer Request for Spooky the Cat

From Frank:
We euthanized Dennis yesterday. His quality of life would have been horrible, cancer not curable.. We have another sick cat, Spooky, who had ultrasound yesterday. The vet suspect possible pancreatic cancer. We are waiting lab results. Please pray for her too. Thank you for your Kindness…. ( Happy 2011)

Dennis, my little feline friend,

I loved you to the bitter end.

A sweeter cat one could not know.

I am sorry to have to let you go.

The morning greetings to me that you gave

Transcends the distance of the grave.

Dennis, my little sweet heart guy,

It tore my heart to say good bye.

When death takes me on my last day,

You will be rubbing my leg as if to say,

“I waited for you, my human friend

And now we are united once again.”

I will miss you, my sweet Denny

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