Thursday, January 20, 2011

One Story of Answer Prayers from New Zealand

The following was emailed to me by Marla in New Zealand. I hope it offers hope to those of you who are still searching for your missing pet or whose pet is seriously ill.

Dear Esther,
I live in Christchurch New Zealand, where we had a major
earthquake a few months ago and have since had many
aftershocks. My dear cat, Ruru, disappeared after an
aftershock and I was very much distressed. I prayed to Our
Blessed Mother Mary for his return, and she laid it on my
heart to offer more prayers. I went on the internet to look
for a good prayer, and came across your website and prayed
the prayer for a lost pet you have there. Shortly after
praying this (and another prayer from another website) it
occurred to me to look for Ruru in an earthquake damaged
house near where I live. When I went, there he was on the
driveway! But he was traumatized and ran away from me into
the basement of the badly damaged building. But at least I
knew he was alive and safe! I went home and prayed some
more, and about an hour later, I heard a rustling noise
outside and went outside and called him softly and he
appeared. He is now safely at home.
God bless you and your website. I offer thanks to Our Lady
Mary, Anthony, Francis and all the saints for his safe
return. I will prayer for all the lost and sick animals you
Christchurch, New Zealand

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