Monday, January 17, 2011

Another Patron Saint for Animals

Saint Anthony the Abbot
Picture source

According to this patron saints website, St. Anthony the Abbot is a patron saint of animals:

Why is Saint Anthony the patron of animals?
Why is Saint Anthony is the patron of animals? For his great regard for all animals during his lifetime


  1. Thank you to all responsible for this opportunity for prayer requests and more thanks to those who pray. I'm seeking help and healing for my beautiful black cat Filo (fee lo) who is diagnosed with cancer. The tumor has invaded his sinus and is affecting his left eye. He is so loyal and loving....all I ask is his tumor shrink and Filo is allowed to die a natural death and not be taken by a horrible disease. He is up in years but still quite strong and I can tell he is not ready to leave. Thank you. All Glory be to God! Sharon

  2. Sharon,we are praying for Filo.

  3. BTW, an urgent prayer request has been posted.

  4. My cat, Ishmael, is very sick. He is only about 13 months old. He has FIP. Ishmael is the sweetest and most loving cat I have ever owned. They say he may only have a few more days or months to live. Please pray Ishmael.

  5. Megan, an urgent prayer request has been posted for Ishmael. We are praying!

  6. Please pray for Shadow - a 1 year old sheltie who fell off of deck steps today and has a spinal cord injury.
    Thank you Amanda D.

  7. Amanda, a prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Shadow.

  8. Please pray for my sweet dog Karla. She has a very aggressive cancerous tumor and only has a few days to live. Thank you so much- Valerie S

  9. Please help me pray for our puppy, Sam - a 6 month old Japanese spitz. She got almost killed by our neighbor's car and is under observation right now.I know she's in pain. I hope she survives. Thank you so much - Nelly

  10. Nelly, I just posted an urgent prayer request. We are praying for Sam's speedy recovery.

  11. Please say a little prayer for our beautiful dog Kobe, who is having a tumor and his spleen removed tomorrow morning. Pray this is not cancer. He is such a happy, loving dog - truly our family's best friend.
    Thank you and God Bless you all

  12. An urgent prayer request has been posted for Kobe. We are praying!

  13. Our baby, Diamond, has developed a tumor on his paw. He is an older cat and it is taking him over quickly. We pray that we are able to keep him as comfortable as possible and that he does not suffer. If he must leave us, we pray that he goes peacefully. He is a wonderful cat, a beautiful white persian so full of love, our hearts are heavy.

  14. An urgent prayer request has been posted for Diamond. We are praying for him.

  15. Our American Mastiff, Charlie, was found to have a very large splenic tumor today and is, in all likelihood, bleeding internally. She is home with her family so everyone can say goodbye now. She is one of the best dogs I have ever had if not the best. I pray His will be done and that should it be so, that her passing be with as little discomfort as possible. I also pray that I be able to comfort my wife and especially our children to whom Charlie has been a fixture their entire lives. We are losing a true member of our family.

  16. Ross, a prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Charlie and for all of you.

  17. Pray for our little kitten Barney. He has been poisoned and needs a merical he is 4 months old. Thank you.

  18. I posted an urgent prayer request. We are praying for Barney.

  19. Please pray for our lost cat sussie. That she is safe and warm and out of harms way. Lead her back to her family as we miss her dearly.

  20. Pamela, a prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Sussie.

  21. Please pray for my dog, Ila. She has a stomach virus. She hasn't eaten for days and is in the hospital on intravenous fluids and antibiotics.

  22. A prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Ila.

  23. Please say a prayer for my dog that someone stole. That she is okay and help her find her way home as we miss her terribly.

    Thank you!

  24. Praying for your dog's safe return home. If you leave a name, I will post a prayer request.

  25. I cannot believe I forgot to include my baby's name. My stolen dog is named Madison. Please pray for her safe return back to us. I wake in the a.m. crying and I fall asleep at night crying. We spend hours everyday searching.
    Thank you so much!!!

  26. I can't imagine the pain you must be going through. I posted the prayer request. Please keep us updated.

  27. Linda T. Please pray that Reese' Cup is found. She went missing yesterday. Her family is looking very hard for her and just wants her to come home. Please, God, help her be found and returned to loving arms. We pray for all sick, missing and pets waiting to be adopted. Thank you for any and all prayers.

  28. Linda, I posted a prayer request for Reese's Cup. What kind of animal is she? Thanks for praying for the pets.

  29. We are a childless couple blessed with 2 lovely dogs, one of whom is sick and is having frequent seizures. Her name is Ozzie, she's a yorkie. My wife and I feel like we are being stabbed in our chests every time we see her in this condition. Please offer a prayer for her and for us. Thank you and God bless.


  30. Billy, I have posted an urgent prayer request for Ozzie. We are praying!

  31. Our 17 week old Bloodhound puppy Dixie is undergoing spinal cord surgery this week. She is currently at ISU in the ICU under close observation since she had her first neck surgery last week. We pray for a full & quick recovery for her. We also pray for her team of doctors that they may be quided by God's love & knowledge.

    Christanna & Kyle

  32. Christanna and Kyle, an urgent prayer request has been posted. We are praying for little Dixie!

  33. Thank you to all for the prayers for Dixie. She is coming home tomorrow!! She still has a long way to go but we are hoping to avoid the second surgery. She has had a long week of inpatient physical therapy.
    Christanna & Kyle

  34. We will continue to pray! Thanks for the update.

  35. Please pray for our Jack. He is in the hospital fighting infections caused by diabetes. We really don't know if he will make it. We please need a miracle. We only rescued him two years ago from a hoarder home. He should get more years. He also has a buddy at home who misses him so much. They are supposed to grow old together. Please help us with this miracle.
    Kyle, Meredith and KM.

  36. I will be posting a prayer request for Jack. Is he a cat?

  37. Please pray for my dog Tristian. He is 10 years old and diagnosed with pancreantitis. We have been doing meds and treatment since Saturday. Now he won't eat anything. He drinks but doent even want to be near food. Please pray for health and comfort.

  38. An urgent prayer request has been posted. We are praying!

  39. Please pray for Holly my moms sweet and loving poodle. She is truly my moms best friend and had to haveemergency surgery today for a uterine infection. In doing the surgery that found nodules in both her liver and spleen. We are on our way there now to see her and make some scary sad decisions.

  40. Kelly, an urgent prayer request has been posted. We are praying for little Holly.

  41. Please pray for my cat named precious. She has been missing about a month now. I've tried everything I can with posters, ads flyers just everything you can imagine. Everyday there is heartache in me. I just pray she is okay since the weather here in Florida has been nothing but storms. It's so painful not knowing whether she is deceased or still alive. I really need support and prayers right now. I just wish she would come home or a miracle will happen if she's still out there.

  42. Please pray for our 5 month old puppy, Polu. He has had chronic diarrhea since the day we brought him home. He's been through a slew of tests and has been on one medication or another every day of his young life. The docs can't seem to be able to figure it out or get it under control. He isn't developing the way a healthy puppy should. Thank you and God bless.

  43. An urgent prayer request has been posted. We are praying for your puppy's speedy recovery.

  44. I just posted a prayer request. We are praying for Precious' safe return home.

  45. Please pray for my 2 dogs Tommy and Wesley who have been taken away from us by the council and are in a pound until the court decides whether or not they will be put to death or returning home to us! Please pray that my loving boys come home to us. They are our everything! God bless you all x


  46. Jessica, an urgent prayer request has been posted. We are praying!!

  47. Please pray for my BFF's Basset hound,Elvis. He has started limping and there is a possibility that he may have a tumor developing on his paw. They are waiting on results from tests taken today and I pray for good news and his speedy recovery. He is a beautiful loyal dog and he has been with my best friend and her husband for years and years. Thank you for your prayers!

  48. I posted a prayer request for Elvis. We are praying for him.

  49. Please pray for our dear cat Sabrina. She was diagnosed with intestinal lymphoma followed by a diagnosis of pancreatic enzyme deficiency. Sadly we will be saying goodbye to Sabrina in a few days as she struggles with the medication and treatment. It breaks my heart to say goodbye to her but I don't want her to suffer anymore. Many thanks for your thoughts and prayers.

  50. I posted your prayer request. We are praying!! God bless,

  51. Prayers are needed for my cat Mona and for me. She has been suffering from chronic pain due to kidney stones, a recent pelvis fracture and vision loss. I have decided to end her pain by having her put to sleep later today. It has been a struggle the past several months to get her well and I am comforted, in part,knowing that she will be free from pain and her spirit will be with our Maker.

  52. I posted an urgent prayer request for Mona and you, Laura. I pray that God's will be done. Hopefully, Mona can get better soon.

  53. Please pray for my 6 yo boxer, Sox. He is my best friend in the world, so loyal and loving and carefree. I found out today he may have a brain tumor that is affecting the use of his lower jaw. We are not sure what our options will be when we find out the final diagnosis. I love him to death as he has been there for me through thick and thin, never knowing how much his loyalty and companionship has meant to me. Thank you in advance.


  54. Shaun, an urgent prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Sox.

  55. My dear friends beautiful dog just had major surgery - The next 24 hours are very fragile - will you please please say a prayer for her to heal and get better - It would mean so much to us

    Love to you and those you love ...


  56. Georgette, an urgent prayer request has been posted. We are praying!

  57. Please pray for my baby shadow who was recelty diagnosed witj slipped kneecap. Hoping surgery could be avoided at all cost. Shadow has had surgery in the past due to a different conditioned and surgery had to be stopped twice due to vet loosing him. Keep him in your prayera

  58. A prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Shadow!

  59. Please help me pray for my little dog Roscoe. Today while in the yard playing he slipped a desk in his back, it is pressing againist his spine and he has no function in his back legs. He is in the Animal Hospital for the next 48 hours. They are giving him high dosages of Antibiotics and Steriods. In the next 48 hours if there is no improvement I will have to make the hardest decision I have ever had to make in my life.. To put my little man to sleep. He has lived a wonderful 13 years, but I'm not ready to let my little guy go! Please pray with me that he will improve and come back home where he belongs!

  60. Prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Roscoe!

  61. Please send your prayers for my precious chocolate lab puppy magnum he had surgery and recovery has been difficult he is my live after suffering.s devastating loss if my mom please pray fort hid rapid healing pleade

  62. I'm posting a prayer request right now. We are praying!

  63. My wonderful cat tigger is sick. He has been a faithful companion. please pray for the return of his health. he is so loved and cherished.

  64. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Tigger.

  65. Pleas pray for the healing of my cat Tancy. She has alwayas been somewhat of a problem but just in the past wo days has stopped eating except for a few treats and will not come upstairs where she usually spends most of time. She will be four yer'rs old on January 6th.I cannot afford a $600 dollar plus vet bill if I take her there today, I have devotion and faith in St.Francis of Assisi and have been praying to him.

    Thank you...

  66. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Tancy.

  67. Please pray for Oliver, our Scottish terrier, who our vet feels he has sinus cancer. He has been the best dog ever and our family cannot imagine life without him.

  68. An urgent prayer request was posted. We are praying for Oliver.

  69. My daughter, who is 28, will never have children, but she has the most wonderful Cocker Spaniel, Lily. Lily hasn't been feeling well for a couple weeks and has gotten much worse. Today was the second visit to the vet, and bloodwork shows that she is kidney failure. She isn't even two years old, and we have no idea why this happened. Please pray for our Lily. She is my daughter's whole life. Thank you.

    Blessings to you!


  70. Cindy, your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Lily.

  71. Please pray for my best friend and companion, Kenny. He's a fun loving golden lab who has gives us such joy and happiness for the last 7 yrs. I don't know what I would do without him. He has a lump on his back and is going to the vet tomorrow.
    Thank you.

  72. Please pray for my best friend and companion, Kenny. He's a fun loving golden lab who has gives us such joy and happiness for the last 7 yrs. I don't know what I would do without him. He has a lump on his back and is going to the vet tomorrow.
    Thank you.

  73. please pray for my dog sandy

    She is in critical condition and she is suffering from having heartworm disease

    thank you very much

  74. Was another prayer request left? I posted the one Mark posted.

  75. Please pray for Mr Fluffers, my Pet Cat. He is about 8 years old and has a blockage in his urinary tract. The vet gave him some medication today, to help ease the discomfort. He is such a lovely Cat. St Francis , Please make him well again.
    Much love and prayers
    From Sandra..

  76. Hello Everyone
    Please pray for my kitten Hansel he is a kitten only 7weeks old and is still at our vet on a drip because he is so weak and I really love this little guy he is so sweet, please St Francis bring him back home a happy healthy kitty
    From Samantha.....

  77. Hello Everyone
    Please pray for my kitten Hansel he is a kitten only 7weeks old and is still at our vet on a drip because he is so weak and I really love this little guy he is so sweet, please St Francis bring him back home a happy healthy kitty
    From Samantha.....

  78. Samantha, your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Hansel.

  79. Please pray for the healing of my sweetest dog, Marbles, the Yorkie. He has a collapsed trachea and an enlarged heart. Please make him well. I cannot imagine a life without him. He always wakes me up with his love and kisses. I cherished my baby boy so much. I am rushing to go home every afternoon from work to see him jumping with joy to carry him. Tears had frequent my eyes since this happened. Please help him recover, dear patron saint of animals, all the angels in heaven, dear Lord, I beg of you.

  80. An urgent prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Marbles.

  81. May I request a prayer for my 13-yr old furboy, Leo. He has not been eating and has since lost so much weight. I'm at a lost and have no idea what else to do.
    God bless --

  82. I am posting your prayer request right now. We are praying.

  83. May I request a prayer for my 3 month old puppy, Lucky, please? He's a 3-legged stray puppy that my fiance and I rescued about a month ago. Lucky was diagnosed for Canine Distemper and the vet told us that he might not survive this. I've been crying since I got the news yesterday.. I'm at lost.

    Please, please, please if you can spare a moment to say a prayer for my puppy, Lucky.

    Thank you and God bless.

  84. Please help me pray for my 2 cats who have developed cat flu.Pedro is particularly bad and may need to have his eyes removed, or worse.
    Floyd is not as poorly yet.
    They are 3 years old,ginger and brothers from the same litter.
    They are the most loving, happy and loyal cats.
    They have been with me since they were 10 weeks old.
    I love them dearly. Thank you.Pat

  85. Pat, an urgent prayer request has been posted. We are praying.

  86. i would like for you @ all to pray for all the animals that are in pain and suffering at the hands of man. glory to God the father and his son our Lord Jesus jj

  87. Yes, we do pray for that intentions daily! Thank you.

  88. I am requesting that prayers please be said for two of my pet sugar gliders.
    A year ago, Krumpet was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer. The tumors were removed & she had underwent 6 mos of chemo, but recently her health seems to be starting to fail even though there are no obvious signs of regrowth that the doctor could find. I pray that my loving Krumpet is once again restored to good health.
    Gizmo was diagnosed with bone cancer in 2011 & had to have part of her leg amputated. Although lively & energetic, she had suddenly started losing weight. The doctor found an anomaly in her abdomen & surgery is scheduled for this Thursday. I pray that it is something operable so that Gizmo may be saved.
    Thank you.

  89. Yvette, your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for both your pets.

  90. Please watch over our Bella. Today is her 10th birthday and she is spending the night at the vets in preparation for an early morning surgical procedure. The doctor said that he wouldn't know what is was faced until her opened her up. It's possible we will receive the call saying nothing can be done and it's time to put her to sleep. Bella has been the best dog and we all love her so much but don't want her to suffer. Please watch over her and pray for her well being. Mary, Joe, Tiffany and Olivia

  91. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Bella.

  92. St. Anthony please watch over out family Pup Bruiser. Bruiser is going thru a difficult time. Bruiser is special, he is the glue between our family. My sister and her husband, my parents, my nieces and nephew with myself.

    Bruiser luvs everyone.... he luvs to give doggy kisses and greets everyone! Many times Bruiser wants to be with everyone! So he goes around to everyone..... as if he wants us to know that he does't want to leave anyone with out a Bruiser greeting.

    Our Bruiser.... who is a Snoodle, smart loving Pup! We all appreciate any blessings St Anthony for our Bruiser, we are all grateful.


  93. My dog died yesterday.. I'm so incredibly sad right now.. please pray for his soul and that we may be reunited sometime..


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.