Thursday, December 23, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request - Kingle the Kitten

From Heidi:
I adopted a kitten yesterday, went to Pittsburgh to get him. I named him Kringle. This morning after he went potty I discovered he had a prolapsed the time he got to my was severe and needed immediate surgery. He is in recovery now. He is 11 weeks old…I will keep him, no matter what, he is mine now and I ended up with him for a reason. I would like to pray that he recovers quickly and will not need any further, more invasive surgeries. Amen.


  1. Dear Lord, Heavenly father, I come to you in prayer for Heidi's kitten. He is beautiful gift from you. Oh Gracious father, we ask you come and perform a Christmas Miracle for Kringle. We ask that you restore him to good health and bring him home so that Heidi may give him the love that he needs. In your sweet and holy name, Amen.

  2. Don't Worry Heidi, your Kitten will be well soon, I appeal to those who read this post, please include Heidi's kitten in your prayers.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.