Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request for Simba the Dog

From Cindy:
I ask that everyone keep my Rottie, Simba in their prayers; He was diagnosed with heartworm disease on 12/04/10; His vet immediately started treating him, and this past Friday, he just stopped eating; I tried everything to get him to eat; He ate very very little; Then Sunday, he ate nothing at all. I took him back to his vet on Monday, and he had lost 4lbs since his last visit; They kept him and started running tests; They have now found that he has an enlarged heart with fluid at the base of it and also has fluid building up in his abdomen; I love this dog like my own child. He has given me so much joy, companionship, and unconditional love; The vet says that it could go either way; They are giving him lasix for the fluid around his heart, antibiotics, and they are starting him on an IV drip; So, please, please pray for Simba..He is my heart.. Thanks in advance


  1. I feel the same about my dog. Prayers coming your way.

    Dione Amirkhan


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