Saturday, December 18, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request for Sebastian the Cat


From Jamie:
My 3 year old cat Sebastian has just been diagnosed with FIP. On Monday we find out how far along the FIP has taken over, although it is well known that FIP, no matter how far along it is, the disease is fatal and there is no cure for it. My baby really needs some prayers of LOVE and COMFORT, I wish him to be comfortable and happy for how-ever long he is here with us. He has always been the sweetest, most friendly and lovable companion. Thank You!


  1. I am so terrible sorry about this! You and your darling furbaby are in my prayers!

  2. Heavenly Father, I come to you today in prayer for Jamie's cat, Sebastian. Lord, this is a disease that there is no cure for. Father, I ask that you perform a Christmas Miracle, Oh Gracious Lord, and take this sickness from this animal. I pray to you Lord that you will help all these veternarians come up with more medicines to help heal your creatures. In your Sweet and Holy Name I pray. Amen


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.