Saturday, December 25, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request for Kayleigh Belle the Dog

From Anne:
Happy holidays! I have the sweetest loving little Spaniel! My 9 year old English Toy Spaniel, Kayleigh belle, was diagnosed with Congested heart failure a few days ago. Unfortunately, she is in the more advanced stages and has been fainting a lot. It breaks my heart to see her coughing all the time and having these episodes of seizures. She used to be such a vibrant little girl. I wish it were possible to buy a medicine that will take away all of this at any monetary cost. But all I can do is love her and pray for more birthdays. Please help my family and pray for her wellness. The cardiologist says even with all the medication (she has to take 4 pills every day) she has about 1 year or so left before her heart will give up. My heart will never give up on her and I am willing to do everything possible to prolong her life. I pray for a few more Christmas with her. Please, please, please keep her in your prayers. I am not ready to say good-bye to her yet.

Thank you so much for creating this site. You are amazing for doing so.

God bless you and your family.

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