Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request for Annie the Dog

From Susan:
Our little white precious Annie is very sick. I would love for all who read this email that they pray that they can find out what is causing her grave sickness...nothing the vets have tried have worked. She is only 7 years old and has two little children pet owners who will be devastated without her....she is the light of their lives as well as mine....she has added so many happy times to our family. Please pray for Annie. Thank you for creating this wonderful website.


  1. We ask you Oh Lord that you give the Dr's wisdom to cure Annie. Lord this is one of your creatures and we come to you and ask that you restore good health to her. You are a most gracious Father and we ask for you to just touch Annie and take this sickness away. In your sweet and holy name I pray, Amen.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.