Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request for Ali the Dog

From Heather:
Please pray for my 6 year old Greyhound, Ali. She is very sick, hasn't been eating and has lost a lot of weight. I am waiting for test results and need prayers desperately. I love my baby and can't bear to lose her. I will be praying for everyone's pets who have been posted on your site. Thank you...


  1. We will remember Ali in our daily prayers,

  2. Thank you very much. BTW, I've been meaning to ask. How is Cinnabar?

  3. Thank you for your prayers! I just received a call from the vet and Ali has Ehrlichiosis, a very serious and potentially deadly, tick borne disease. I just did some research on this disease and I hope that you can post something on your site about awareness. It can be treated, but if my vet hadn't though to test for this disease, Ali may have died. Again, thank you for your prayers and I hope that knowing about this diease may help others!

  4. Heather, I have posted an update. If you would like to share more about Ehrlichiosis, I will be happy to post it on the blog. Thank you.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.