Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Q & A: Why Do Animals Have to Suffer?

Q - Can you explain the Catholic view or doctrinal explanation for why animals suffer? I struggle to form a coherent explanation which explains the seemingly violent and apparently innocent suffering of so call “dumb” and not so dumb animals.

A - Thanks for the question. If you have ever seen an animal in physical pain, it can be quite distressing. Less than a year ago, my dog was attacked by another dog and mortally wounded. For more than 24 hours she suffered physical pain until the Veterinarian advised us to have her put down, because she would not be able to recover. It was a horrible experience for us all.
Read the rest of Aggie Catholic's answer here


  1. In all a pretty good article, we try to remember not to anthropomorphize too much (yes yes, writing 'as a dog' is doing just that)

    But truly, the connection in a human mind between 'suffering' & 'I don't want to suffer because I am not happy as I am suffering' does not exist on the animal level...

    personally, it helps to keep in mind that, in the end, all bad will be undone, GOD is not mocked, and good will win & all tears will be wiped away...

    besides, I have no doubt that St. Francis is probably there offering some unseen comfort...

    Thanks, we enjoy your blog.

    Someone once told me that it was sacrilege to tell my pups to 'say your prayers' at bedtime...that "animals can't pray"...I told them I was pretty sure even the dirt on the ground prayed...

  2. When people say that animals will not go to heaven, I have to disagree. God made them. They are good and I can't believe some were put on earth to lead a life of suffering without some sort of light at the end of the tunnel...so to speak.

    That is cute about your dog praying...just like that video :-)


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