Friday, December 10, 2010

Prayer Request for Sweetie the Cat

From Kristy:
Please join me in praying for Sweetie. He his my heart. He is an 8 year rescue cat, who was originally diagnosed w/FLUTD with the large food recall a few years ago. This is about the 7 or 8th episode since then. I don't have the money for a return trip to the vet, and am doing the same things they had me do last time. Oral water give to him multiple times during the day by myself or my mom. He has started to eat a little, but is still not really going at all. I have tried a couple of homeopathic treatments, but all they do is make him sick. He is a special cat w/a very special bond w/me and his two fur brothers. Please pray for a quick and lasting healing.


  1. Kristy,
    You have to get Sweetie to the VET. His bladder will burst and he will die. Don't worry about the money right now. They will/should let you pay in payments. My cat had this problem years ago. You can treat it with special food and water once it gets better, but if the kitty is blocked it needs to get to the VET right away. It is very painful for them...I will say a prayer for Sweetie. If you want to contact me back I can tell you how to keep it under control once he gets better.

  2. Prayers and agreement with anon. The vet will work with you and if not - find a different vet!


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.