Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Prayer Request for Baby the Cat

From the Twigg Family:
My beautiful and sweet Siamese-mix cat went missing yesterday... it has been 24 hrs now, and I am worried sick. I found a puddle of antifreeze under my husband's truck last night when I was looking for her. I knew something was wrong when I called her and she did not come. I fear she might have walked across the antifreeze and licked her paws.. or perhaps was attacked by another animal... or even snatched up by someone because she was such a beautiful cat. I am heartbroken, and so is my 82 yr old mom. Siamese Baby was her cat... they loved each other. Please pray for my Siamese Baby to be safe and return to us very fast... Momma's heart rate was running too fast last night, and neither of us could sleep all night.

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