Thursday, October 28, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request for Jebby the Dog

From Oona:
Our lovely boxer girl Jebby is dying. We know we can not cure her cancer but we were told she could go into remission with good quality life for the next 6-12 months so we started on chemo.

The first 4 wks went so well. The next 2 went okay. But last 2 she has taken a terrible nose dive. We see her not eating, so weak she can barely stand and with no energies left but to pant…

Yet her little stub wags her eyes were hopeful and happy – until last Week. Then this week we discovered after a couple of trips that she Has had a BAD UTI all along! Well, we are treating now with Baytril hoping her energy and will to live will return as the pain and awfulness of her cystitis infection recedes.

Please ask god for a remission from cancer, a response to treatment That can return her to some good quality life for the next few months.

Over the holiday season (jan) we wanted to take her home to say goodbye to our family.

Please ask God to grant us this request. That she may recover, and be well enough to enjoy the holiday season with us, and our families.

Thank you so much


  1. The cancer monster sucks, we will keep woo in our prayers,

  2. I am sure the owners really appreciate your dedicated prayers. Thank you.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.