Thursday, October 7, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request for Frisco the Dog

From Cat:
I have asked for prayers on your list several times since Frisco our Golden who was diagnosed with cancer. Each time he has done better and I know my prayers were answered.

A few weeks ago Frisco was diagnosed with a lesion behind his eye. It was not cancerous - so he was put on an antibiotic. About a week later - his appetite was diminishing and he appeared to have developed a sinus infection (he has had chemo treatment for nasal cancer). We were given another antibiotic and he seemed better, but his appetite has not been good and he has been eating about half of what he normally does.

Today, he threw up this morning and has not wanted anything but water. I gave him a medication for nausea, but it hasn't helped.

We have an appointment tomorrow with the oncologist. I would like to ask for prayers that there is something else we can do -and that we see a clear path to it. If this is not the case - then please pray that I am able to make the right choices for my beloved pet so that he does not suffer.

Thank you!

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