Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request for Chloe the Cat

From Teresa:
Please help me. My cat CHLOE that I adopted only 2 and half months ago decided to bolt from the safety of her home on October 18th @ 7 am. She was adopted as a hardship and was going to be put to sleep. She was deemed unadoptable because she has behavior problems. The poor cat grew up for a whole year inside the small confines of a cage. She never knew love or human compassion. I took her adopted her because I could see the sweetness in her sad face. I fell in love with her. So I had a lot of patience and kept talking to her . Finally she was starting to warm up to me and my hubby. But then when i was on my way to work and he was home Monday she bolted right out the door. And he couldnt run after her cuz he is disabled himself. I had to rush home from work which is 45 minutes away (to add to it I got fired for leaving). and there has been no sign of her. I have been calling her. i set her things outside. I put up flyers and also put her up on Home again site, she has a microchip. But CHLOE wont go to anyone, she doesnt come to me, I only have GOD and prayers to turn to now. I have faith and feel she will be with me again. But I am grief stricken and have been crying for 3 days non stop. I hope you can help. God Bless and sincere thanks


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