Thursday, October 7, 2010

Update on Dudley the Dog

From Scott: I want to give you an update on Dudley our Golden Retriever. Yesterday I said many prayers all day long for Dudley and offered my petitions throughout the day to Blessed Seelos, on his Feast Day, asking him to intercede for a miraculous healing for Dudley.

Last night our vet told us that the aspirate that was taken last week during his abdominal ultrasound was not an adequate sample to indicate what the large mass was (that was seen in the ultrasound) near Dudley`s spine. This was disappointing news as we had been waiting on tinder hooks all week long, wondering what the news was going to be and if a treatment would be possible. There are various reasons why the aspirate was not adequate, some of which are too detailed to explain here. We are now facing a new option of having another ultrasound for Dudley. This time a different kind of needle would be used which actually takes a piece of the mass into the needle, assuring that there would be cells present this time. This will then be sent off once again to the lab for analysis, which would hopefully give a more accurate indication of what kind of mass this is. We were told that there is some risk to Dudley with this type of biopsy, since the mass is internal, so a blood test has to be done prior to see if his blood will coagulate. If his blood will coagulate the risks are reduced somewhat. If we choose not to do this more aggressive biopsy, then there is no option for treatment to see if this mass can be reduced. We are wanting to do what is best for Dudley but we are once again feeling so unsettled to be faced with making these decisions.

Our prayer request is first and foremost for a miraculous healing for Dudley, and that he will be able to live longer with us in this world. If a miracle is not possible, we are asking for clarity to make the right decision for Dudley. If that decision turns out to be going ahead with another ultrasound, we are praying that nothing will harm Dudley when this more aggressive biopsy is taken and he will survive this process. We also ask for prayers that the results of the biopsy will indicate what this mass is and that there will be a successful treatment for it. Thank you so much for all your thoughts and prayers, they are really helping Dudley.

Dudley is otherwise in good spirits and is not currently in any pain. His back right leg however, is becoming more impaired each day because of the nerves that are affected by this mass.

I will continue to ask Blessed Seelos for his intercession. Thank you again, for letting me post our request on this wonderful blog-site, and please be assured of my prayers for all of you and your beloved companions.

With every blessing,


  1. Prayers sent for Dudley. Our golden has a spindle cell on his side - so I know what you are going through. He is now recovering from nasal cancer - it is a tough road to follow.

  2. Mahalo. We are praying for your dog too.


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