Saturday, October 9, 2010

Prayer Request for Mila the Dog

From Melanie:
i came across your wonderful site as i was doing a google search for the patron saint of dogs. our little girl mila is a 13yr old jack russell who has endured 2 surgeries and so many other ailments in the past year. in january she had to have surgery to remove scar tissue blocking her bile duct, she's had pancreatitis and is being treated for cushings disease. she recently had her gallbladder removed and they did a biopsy of her liver and there was a bacteria infection so she had to remain on IV antibiotic therapy for 5 days extra. that was 2 weeks ago.
the antibiotics were really strong, and because she was borderline renal disease, we fear her kidneys are failing. she hasn't been well the past two days and we are waiting for the results but it's thanksgiving weekend here, and we won't know until tuesday.
we love her so much and want to do whatever we can to help her, but we also don't want her to suffer as she has been through so much this year already.
if you could please pray for her that she will get better and also for us, for strength. i thank God that i was chosen to be her mom and am so thankful for everything she has taught me through the years. even at 13 she is still a ball of energy when she's not feeling sick and it breaks our heart that these things keep happening to her.

thank you so much -


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.