Monday, October 4, 2010

Prayer Request for Keevah McCool the Cat

From Ellen: Can you please post a prayer for my missing cat Keevah McCool? She has been missing since 9/22/10 when she slipped out a 3 inch opening in the basement window. My husband and I are out of our minds with worry and have put out over 120 posters within the region. We have met many kind people but also have encountered some not so kind.

I have been praying incessantly to St. Francis, St. Anthony and St. Jude and hope that they are listening to my pleas.

I did receive a phone call this morning from a woman who lives on a block exactly 4 blocks away from me (we live in South Philly.) She said she was out walking her dog down my way and saw the posters of Keevah. She called me and told me that she is almost positive she has been feeding Keevah in the mornings and evenings for close to two weeks. My husband and I went to her house right away and when I showed her a picture of Keevah she said, "that's her!" Her daughter has also agreed that is her as well. I am praying and praying that they are right and it is Keevah. She is going to call me the minute she sees her again so that I can make it up there and, hopefully, if it is her, bring her home.

We have 5 rescues and one of them is Keevah's sister, Bugsy. Bugsy is blind and relies on Keevah. Since Keevah has been gone, Bugsy will not leave my side and all of the other cats are barely eating. Please help with prayers that this woman has found her and it won't be long until she is home again where she belongs.

Thank you and God Bless.

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