Friday, October 1, 2010

Most Recent Update on Dudley the Dog

From Scott:
Today Dudley, our Golden Retriever, had an abdominal ultrasound done which revealed a large 8 x 5 cm (3 x 5 in.) mass that is pressing on his lower vertebrae and in the pelvic canal. This is causing him to not have proper mobility in his hind legs as well as some pain, as it effects the nerves in the spinal cord. It appears that this is not a lymph gland that is swollen as was originally thought, but some kind of a tumor -- possibly a transitional cell carcinoma. We were hoping that if it had to be anything it would be lymphoma which has fairly good response to treatment but it doesn't look like this is lymphoma. This was difficult news for us to receive. We now have to wait for the lab results to tell us what this is and then hopefully a plan for treatment will begin that will shrink this mass and relieve some of the pressure on his spine and therefore ease his pain. We hope and pray this will be possible and we are requesting prayers that this mass will be reduced in size; that it will be slow growing and that it will not metastasize anywhere else inside him. We are still holding on to hope and pray that we can have more time with him in this world. He is such a good and gentle soul and our hearts ache when we imagine life without him. But we are trying to stay focused on the present and we're very grateful that he is here with us now and we will do all we can to keep him comfortable.

Thank you for your prayers and thanks to those who offered comments for our earlier request. They are very much appreciated. This Sunday I will be leading a St. Francis Day, Blessing of the Animals service and will be remembering all of you and your specific requests in my prayers.

With every blessing,


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.