Monday, October 11, 2010

Good News! - Keevah McCool the Cat

From Ellen:
Good morning!
After looking for over two weeks, I am happy to announce that the Philadelphia SPCA called me on Friday afternoon to let me know they have our Keevah! The chip worked and so did all of the prayers and positive thoughts we received from you and the people who read your website. Someone turned Keevah into the SPCA from 10 miles away!! She is now home safe and sound with her blind sister and her 3 other pals and we couldn't be happier!

I want to thank you all again for your prayers and warm wishes! I have said my thanks to God and to all the saints for their intercession especially St. Francis, St. Anthony & St. Jude.

I hope you all have happy endings like we have!

All My Best,

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