Saturday, September 4, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request for Oby the Dog

From Sandra:
Please would you pray for my Black Russian Terrier Oby..he has been diagnosed with a heart condition that requires £175 per month worth or medication and I have nothing! He is and has been my constant companion for over two years. We are together all the time and this is like cutting my heart out. I feel for him so much as he is very ill. I took him on as a rescue dog and love him beyond words. I can't bear to see him so ill and me so pwerless. THERE IS ONLY GOD that can help us and bless you for your kindness.

Please let me know you are praying for Oby. The vet said I could leave him there and they will put him to sleep but a little voice inside me said "NO.TAKE HIM HOME AND KEEP YOUR FAITH."

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