Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request for Oby the Dog and Sandra, his Owner

Most recent update from Sandra:
Sadly, I think Oby's life is coming to an end. I don;t want to see him suffer and his condition is worsening. He has just vomitted and lost a lot of weight. I feel it is cruel to see him suffer. I have talked to him a lot and thanked him for his love and devotion and he listens knowingly.

Please will you pray for me to make the right decision for Oby. I thought I could help him with the remedies but his condition seems to be severe - as the vet diagnosed - and it feels cruel to put him through more pain and suffering.

I need the strength to do Go's will for Oby, Esther and I need your prayers to help with this.

I am distraught. I am still praying the prayer on God Bless The animals page.

God bless you all,

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