Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Update on Chase the Cat - Urgent Prayer Request

From Tara:
Poor Chase is just hangin' in there. The little guy hasn’t gotten any
better. So, we took him to the vet again last night. The doctor still has
no clue what his illness is.

At first the doctor wanted to take the “conservative” approach hoping that the amoxicillin antibiotic he prescribed at our last visit the other week would work. But, obviously it hasn’t. So now we are using a “broad
spectrum” antibiotic that is quite strong and hopefully, this will knock
out whatever illness that’s abusing poor little Chase. The vet said that
if it’s working, we should start seeing some improvement by Friday. He isn’t expecting perfection, just a little improvement.

But if he doesn’t show any improvement by the weekend.... then we’re going to have to think about putting him to sleep, as he is suffering. :( The vet said we can admit Chase to the hospital and do all sorts of tests to figure out what this is.. or even send him to the university of Philly to decipher what it is. However, he doesn’t recommend it, because it will probably only end up showing that Chase has something that we can’t treat anyway. So, this is poor Chase’s last hurrah so to speak. If this doesn’t work, we’ve run out of options. So please, please say more prayers for him for this final push. The prayers of course mean as much, or more to me than does the antibiotic for this final fight for Chase's life. Thanks so much!! I am trying to think good thoughts, etc.

It is especially hard because he is such a sweet, kind and friendly kitten. His disposition is fantastic. The vet told me that all the vet
techs/assistants in the office who saw Chase's name on the hospital
schedule last night were terribly sad to see he wasn't getting any better because he is such a sweet, friendly kitten who is easy to work with. If he were mean or an indifferent, aloof cat, it wouldn't be so hard, but he loves people and to be around them. Anyhow, i'll keep you updated.

1 comment:

  1. Tara, sorry that Chase has to go through this sickness and it is also very hard for you to see him in pain, but before you put him to sleep you should take him to another vet and get second opinion. I know this is hard I too have pets and love them very much also so I can relate. Tara you and Chase are in my prayers, God Bless You and Chase.
    Get second opinion.


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