Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Update and Prayer Requests - Dudley the Dog

From Scott:
My wife and I wrote to you in the spring this year with a request for prayers for Dudley, from Canada, our eleven-year-old Golden Retriever, who had a spindal cell tumor on his left hind leg. Surgery was successful and he has enjoyed a wonderful, healthy, and happy life, these past few months. For that we have been eternally grateful and thankful to God and I have prayed prayers of thanksgiving everyday since then. I have asked Blessed Seelos, St. Martin de Porres and St. Francis for their continued intercession that Dudley will remain healthy and cancer-free.

Towards the end of August, after an afternoon at the beach, Dudley showed some signs of soreness in his lower spine and the next day his hind legs did not seem to work as well as they normally should. WE thought at first that he played and swam a little too hard that day, but our vet indicated that something neurological may have occurred from this activity and suggested complete rest for 4 to 6 weeks. To date he has not shown any signs of improvement so an x-ray of his spine was suggested which happened this morning. The x-ray showed that Dudley has a fairly healthy looking spine for his age, showing some narrowing of the lower vertebrae, but not anything too severe. The x-ray however, did pick-up an enlarged lymph node, which is a concern. We were told that its location may be very difficult to aspirate since it is near his aorta. He will be having an abdominal ultra-sound to see what else may be going on inside and to look at the rest of his lymphatic system. This may indicate that he has lymphoma. There is also a possibility that his enlarged lymph node is caused from another primary source of carcinoma that has spread to his lymph system. This would be the worst of the two possibilities. We are praying that if this has to happen it will be lymphoma, which has a number of options for treatment. All of this has once again, plunged us, into a place of fear and anxiety of what is ahead for him and for us who love him so much. At the moment we feel sick inside and our stomachs our in knots. The news today has been very distressing.

Our request is first and foremost, prayers for Dudley -- that he will not be in any discomfort or pain and that there will be a treatment available that will allow us all to have more time together. We also request prayers for his wonderful vet who is so kind, loving and thorough in her care for Dudley as well as in her care for us. And finally, I would request prayers for my wife Sarah and I who are so heart sick and worried at this hour.

I am sorry to have gone on so long in my explanation concerning our request for prayers. I am very grateful for your blog site that allows people like us and so many others out there who are requesting prayers and to share our worries, concerns, fears, and thanksgivings. Thank you so much for your prayers and please be assured of ours for you and all who ask for prayers for their pets. May God bless you.


  1. I am praying for the almighty to help you.
    You can try holylandprayer.com.
    I found it very helpful in a time of trouble and hope.
    God bless you.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.