Monday, September 6, 2010

Update and AN URGENT Prayer Request for Panther the Cat

From Heidi:

MOST RECENT UPDATE: His surgery to make him pee failed. HE is back in a catheter and not feeling good at all. HE is either swollen from the catheter or the operation OR he has an obstruction in his urethrater. IF he has an obstruction he has to have more surgery to make him pee where a dog's penis is and not under his tail like Cats are supposed to.

PROBLEM is the new surgery may make him incontinent so he has to be Euthanized.

PLEASE PRAY to God to cure him and not have him have to be put down! He is the JOY of our lives and only a baby at 6 years old. I am so heartsick I want to die!

The following is from yesterday:
PLlEASE continue to Pray for my baby! He appears to be RE blocking and Vet is off to a party. PLEASE pray his bladder does not burst and Vet comes back in time to help him!

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