Thursday, September 2, 2010

Prayer Request for Max the Cat

From Carolyn :
Our cat Max got out of the house Sunday morning and we have not seen him since. he is a 2 1/2 y.o neutered male we adopted from out Vet 2 years ago along with his sister. He is usually an indoor cat with little extensive outdoor experience.

We live in a heavily wooded area with many patches of woods and needless to say coyotes, raccoons and foxes. He was last seen on Monday by a gas station attendant but then went back into the woods. We have distributed 200 fliers,sent out a mass email with his flier, put his picture and information in the local papers, the online paper, local businesses and vet. offices along with the canine control officer, local police dept., school bus company, shelter and emergency clinics.

Tomorrow I will go to the post office and ask them to post his flier in the break room for all the letter carriers to see so they too can keep a look out. I have been putting tuna outside for 2 days now and frequently call for him and in the woods. I feel I have done all that is humanly possible to get our beloved Max back.

I am glad to find this web site as I will now add a daily prayer. I am asking for all of your prayers that he and the countless other lost cats find their way back to their loving families and that their journey be a safe one. Max needs to be home with the family that loves him, his sister, the rabbit, the dog, the fish and the lizard. Yes we love animals......and are devastated that he is lost. Peace be with all of you.

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