Monday, September 13, 2010

Prayer Request for Chloe the Cat

From Pauline:
Please pray for the return of my cat, Chloe. She has been missing for 3 days now. My mom accidentally left her out n she usually doesn't go far but for some reason she vanished. She is a very smart cat but at age 12 I've seen signs of feebleness n this is what worries me most. I pray for the safe return of my best friend,Chloe, and that she is not scared n anxious wherever she may be so that she can find her way home. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. you could try putting her litter box outside cats go by scent alot and this will be familiar to her-also any strong foods like tuna or sardines but only do that when u can watch to see if it is your cat since the tuna may attract others.

    hope this helps!


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.