Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Good News - Beans the Dog

From LuAnn:
Praise the Lord! Beans has been found. Thank you so very much for your prayers. They worked!
Thank you all for your prayers. They have been answered. Thank you Lord!


  1. I am soo happy! many prayers to all these pets and their families here.

  2. I adopted two sister cats who were feral cats, they turned out to be the most loving pets! one kitty Tink, had been attacked or abused before,her upper teeth are missing and she walks a bit sideways with her head cocked. She can hardly meow. we went out of town for a day and a half. and some one said they would check on them, they are mainly out door cats because I am trying to potty train them and to get along with my indoor cats. She is no where to be found, I have been looking for two hours now. This is not like her. we live on a canyon... I Know, but please help pray for Tink... thank you. I feel so guilty.

  3. Izzybean: I am posting your prayer request right now. We will be praying for Tink's safe return home. Thank you for joining in praying for these pets.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.