Thursday, August 12, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request for Kuma the Cat

From Angeleen:
I have a very ill cat, and I need some spiritual prayers and support.

I have two dear ragdoll cats that are my children. Recently my six year old ragdoll son, (Tasuki), passed away two months ago to a heart disease known as fHCM (feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy).

During this time my 2 1/2 year old ragdoll daughter, Kiko, was grieving and lonely, so I seeked out to find her another companion. The breeder I adopted her from didn't have any kittens, and wouldn't until this fall at the soonest, so I expanded my search. I came across the pure breed cat rescue, which is based in Wisconsin, and by chance fell in love with a male ragdoll, named Kuma, who just arrived the same day I was doing my search.

I ended up being able to be the one to adopt Kuma, and brought him home on July 14th. He was a spunky, energetic, and a lovable tease. He quickly bonded with me, and my daughter Kiko. He was very healthy, until Aug. 11th.

At three am on Aug. 11th he suddenly started vomiting. I rushed him to my pet clinic at 8am to seek medical help. He stayed that day and over night for testing and to receive IV fluids for dehydration. On Aug. 12th, my doctor did not have the ability to do anything more advanced medically, so she referred me to a larger pet hospital / clinic which is located in a larger city near where I live.

I pray that Kuma will survive and live many more healthy years. I hope and pray whatever is causing him his illness is not fatal. I also pray if it is something viral and / or parasite related, Kiko will not contract it and become ill from the three weeks they have been together.

I would appreciate any extra support in prayers, thoughts, intentions, etc. towards Kuma's health, hospital stay, and healing recovery. And for Kiko too, I keep telling her immune system to be a strong fighter. :)

Thank you for your time,
Please keep Kuma and all our seriously ill pes in your prayers for a speedy recovery.

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