Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request for Chester the Cat

From Dawn:
Please pray for my sweet Chester. He is a pollydactal (6 toes)Maine coon cat that the lord sent to me 11 years ago.He had been hit by a car,had a broken hip,crushed right back foot and a broken nose with several teeth missing and had survived and healed amazingly well even before he came to my house,He is handicapped because of his back foot and leg but he does not know it. He's a survivor too even though he has had several accidents besides the first one including lots of fights with cats that wander our neighborhood and come into our yard.

Which brings me to my request.A big cat from down the street came in our yard and Chester tried to protect his domain but got the worse end of the deal. He has several bites on his shoulder that got infected and he was unable to walk on his front right leg and foot. The vet gave him a shot of antibiotics but he has had a severe reaction to the medication and now throws up constantly and can not keep anything down.He keeps on giving him IV fluids and anti nausea meds but its not working. I've had to give him watered down prescription food in a syringe and shoot it down his throat but he can't keep it down either and the vet isn't even sure whats wrong with him except he thinks he's had a reaction to the meds he's taken.He hasn't eaten real food in almost a week and if he can't keep food down tomorrow,they'll put him in the hospital and put some kind of feeding tube in him.They think he may have liver damage from the antibiotics and from not eating for so long and there may be nothing they can do for him. We love our Chester so and have already prayed so hard for his healing. I was glad to find your website and know the extra prayers will help so much.
Since I know you all pray for these pets in need, I will stop placing the usual reminder here. Thank you all!

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