Thursday, August 19, 2010

Prayer Request for Smoker the Cat, et al.

From Eva:
Hello, I came across your beautiful website, thank you for the prayers and help.

I can't stop crying. I lost my cat Smoker a month ago and almost lost my other beautiful cat thank God he returned ... recently other people are losing their pets too and we're worried that they are being taken or lured and trapped. We are so worried that they are being mistreated. We have walked all over the neighborhood and suspect someone who is hoarding, or trapping or worse. We are in the Los Angeles area in a hilly section.

Please kindly pray that Smoker, Kasper, Freida and the other beautiful cat and the little doggie and others are safe and hopefully will return home unharmed very soon. I am hoping for beacons of light to guide them safely.

Smoker is a solid gray smokey color, Kasper is a main coon, Freida is tortoise shell, there's a little white doggie and another beautiful tabby cat - we are all worried and hope that more don't go missing.

Thank you so much for your prayers.

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