Monday, August 16, 2010

Prayer Request for Scrappy the Cat

From Sharon:
I am so sorry to bother you, but I found your blog after looking for prayers for lost pets.
Would you mind asking others if they could pray as well for my lost 8 year old male cat named Scrappy. Scrappy is an indoor cat and somehow got out about 1 day 1/2 ago. We live in the woods and have searched by foot and car everywhere. We put fliers in our neighbors mail boxes and we have heard and found nothing. I have been sick for 7 years. Scrappy is a very wonderful and sensitive friend/companion. He lays on my tummy and stays nearby especially when I am very sick. I would appreciate any prayers for him to be protected while out there and for a safe return.
Thank you soooo much!
Please keep Scrappy and all our lost pets in your prayers. Please keep their owners in your prayers too.


  1. We will definitely keep your kitty in our prayers:) woooos,


  2. I and my family will definitely pray for your pets safety. I'm currently in India but I can imagine the discomfort when a pet wanders from home. Are you from the US, if yes, then have you told the Animal authorities about your pet, so that they might help to physically locate it. (In India pet lovers do not have any support either from people or authorities). I wish you good luck


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.