Friday, August 6, 2010

Prayer Request for All Animals in Need of a Loving Home

From our friend Kieran:
I have been meaning to write to you for quite awhile now but have had my hands pretty full with Schonda and a recent addition Echo. As per the email below you will remember that I asked you to pray for Schonda and I am happy to say that she is okay and whilst we still never established what was wrong, we are just happy to see her well again. Of course we will keep close watch of her but I am just so grateful to see her happy. About a month later my family and I came to the decision we needed to find a companion for Schonda, as whilst we were giving her all the love and attention she needed, we felt that she still missed the love of a companion. So we went back to the shelter and got another little mini foxy x called Echo and whilst approximately 3 years younger then Schonda they seem to compliment each other. All I can say is they are absolutely smitten with each other and it just warms my heart to see the sadness start to disappear from their eyes. Of course I dont think it will ever disappear as sadly 8 and 5 years of abuse will do that to a dog but to see them trust, love,play and wag their tails again is such a joy. Indeed I believe that Taz and Vlooi sent them to me, as they have brought love and happiness back to my heart when I was certain it was gone after the loss of my precious Taz and Vlooi. Indeed adopting a rescue dog is very rewarding and whilst challenging at times as each rescue animal has issues, I like to think that im doing it in memory of my Taz and Vlooi and I like to know that I am showing these two lovely little creatures that regardless of their past we love them and they are a part of our family. For it saddens me to think that some dogs live their lives never knowing what its like to be loved or part of a family and so I am so grateful that I can prevent this from happening with these two rescue dogs. Therefore I pray that all animals know they are loved and know what its like to be part of a family and I continue to pray for my Taz and Vlooi who will always have my heart. It is nearly 5 months since I lost both of them and the pain is still so raw as my babies were something special and they will always be part of me. Otherwise Esther I pray that you are well and that God Bless you for being that source of comfort for so many animal lovers.

God Bless,
Kieran lost both her beloved pets and was so sad when she met Schonda a very abused little dog. As you can see her story has a happy ending. Please pray for all the animals in need of a good and loving home. Thank you.

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