Friday, August 6, 2010


Some of you may have noticed that the combox have been closed on a few posts.  That does not mean we are no longer taking prayer requests.  Not at all.  What happened is that the comments were taking too long to scroll down to the newest prayer request. 

Please be reassured that this blog will not stop taking prayer requests. 

There are two ways you can leave your prayer requests:

1.  Email them to me at estherjoeysmom(at)gmail(dot)com or

2.  Leave your prayer request at any other post's comment box that is open.

Thanks for your help in this matter.



  1. Thank woo for your time & effort...

  2. Thank you for your dedication to these pets by your prayers.

  3. Please pray for my baby girl Ferlitz...she is a 6-year old long-haired dapple brown dachshund. She has injured her back while on my watch during Thanksgiving with family and since then she's been unable to walk properly and almost undergone surgery, but thankfully, her slipped disc on her lower back can still be fixed with strict rest and pain meds. I feel terrible that it was fault and it pains me to see her sick and sad. I miss her bubbly character, her wet kisses, sweet lovely face, etc. I appreciate all the prayers and thank you all in advance. I also pray to all animals that are suffering and sick. They are also God's creatures and should be treated kindly. God Bless!

    concerned pup mommy

  4. Your prayer request for Ferlitz has been posted. We are praying.

  5. Please pray for our cat Sheldon to find his way back after disappearing from our home two days ago. We love him and miss him so much.



Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.