Monday, July 19, 2010

Prayer Request for Shyla the Dog

From Annabelle:
Hi. I came across your webpage and thought I would e-mail a request in hopes of a miracle. We have a family friends' dog, Shyla, who is in need of a prayer. She has a rare condition that even a specialist has never seen before. She is a mix of saint Bernard and chow. I'm not sure how to explain the details but it has something to do with her right shoulder. There was damage to it where her whole right front leg is in a numb-like state. There was a separation in her spinal disc and when we had dinner at our family friends' house she wasn't around so I asked and heard the news. She was in the room resting and when we got her attention she tried to get up to greet us and soon as I saw her limping I immediately turned around and started crying. So far the doctor/vet removed some of the liquid buildup, but can't do anything more to correct the condition, not even an operation. Shyla is taking medication every 4 hours and all the family can do is wait and see if she recovers, if not she has to be put down. The family and us friends of the family are hoping she pulls through. She has been such a happy puppy and great family friend. Please say a prayer for Shyla. On behalf of the family, Thank you.
Please keep Shyla and all our pets in need in your prayers. We ask for the intercession of Blessed Seelos for Shyla's healing.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.