Monday, July 19, 2010

Prayer Request for Nyoka the Cat

From Kate:
Please pray for the healing of my 11 month old cat Nyoka's skin ailment. About a month ago she developed a tiny bald patch on her stomach, which grew to the size of a fist. Now the hair is thinning on her left side and dime-sized patches of skin loss are appearing. Please pray for her and the underlying causes be cured, and our minds guided in what is best for her. We have seen a vet but no quick answers are forthcoming; we await culture results.

We adopted her two months ago from a no-kill shelter and she is a darling little animal, still settling in with her family.

I believe in the power of prayer and that answers have already begun.

Bless you for your help
Please keep Nyoka and all our pets in need, in your prayers.

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