Thursday, May 6, 2010

Update and Praise Report on Dudley the Dog

From Sarah and Scott:
We wanted to update you with some very good news about Dudley, our Golden Retriever and report with great thanksgiving on his successful surgery.

It is hard to believe it has only been a week - so much has happened in the past 7 days. This morning we got a call from the surgeon who told us that the histology results had come back from Guelph Ontario, to show that Dudley's tumor was a low grade spindle cell soft tissue sarcoma, and it appears that the surgeon was able to take it out with fairly good margins, which means that while the examiner of the tissue is "cautiously optimistic", everyone else seems to be "quite optimistic" that we got it all. There is no risk of this tumor spreading anywhere else. That being said, we will continue to keep a close eye on him and report any unusual lumps and bumps to our vet, as cancer seems to be the companion of many goldens, especially as they get older.

We know that we will have to say goodbye to Dudley at some point, but it does not appear to be in the foreseeable future, and for that we are so very thankful. We do not take each other or him for granted in our lives as we know life can change irrevocably in a blink of an eye. Dudley is amazing - he began to take 20 minute walks just a few days after his surgery and is now walking without a limp, even with all the muscle tissue that he lost in the surgery. Stitches come out in a week. Right now Dudley is sporting the Elizabethan look (with a buster collar) - you can imagine how much he is enjoying this fashion statement.

We sincerely thank you for your prayers for him and for us during a rather sleep deprived and worrisome time. We offer our prayers of thanks to God and to Blessed Francis X Seelos and St. Martin de Porres to whom we have been asking intercession. We are so very grateful for this website and blog site and we will continue to read about and pray for those precious pets of so many who are in need of prayers. We hope sharing this good news about Dudley will give others hope and lift the spirits of those in despair. We give thanks for miracles and the blessings that are found in so many places. Many thanks again, and please be assured of our prayers for you.

With grateful hearts,
Thank you Lord for answering our prayers. Thank you all for your prayers!!

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