Monday, May 17, 2010

Prayer Request For Roxy the Cat

From Jess:
My 4 1/2 year old Persian some how got out of the house this weekend. She has always lived indoors and is declawed. We had a garage sale and so did others in our neighborhood, so I am praying that a stranger did not steal her. I am hoping someone in the neighborhood has taken her in and provided food and shelter. We made flyers and placed them in mailboxes around our subdivision on saturday. I'm hoping tomorrow (monday) I hear some good news! I could really use everyone's prayers, please!! Roxy is part of our family and I am absolutely heartbroken right now. I am so worried for her. Please pray for her safe return.

Thanks so much,
Please pray that St. Anthony will intercede and bring Roxy and all our missing pets, home safe and sound.

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