Monday, May 3, 2010

Prayer Request for Miles the Cat

From Katya:
Please kind soul, kind lady who prays for lost animals, please pray for our lost cat Miles. We are in London and weather was unforgiving today, so cold and rains since yesterday.

My Husband Charlie and I has not seen him since yesterday early morning, we did not see him leave, he simply cuddled on our bed all night and in the middle of the night I accidentally kicked him off the bed and he simply left and we feel so lonely without him.

I pray to God and his holy saints so that he is still alive, Please St. Anthony, hear my prayer, please sweet Jesus, hear my prayer. Charlie and I are ready for the worst – but please, there is always hope, please aray for Milesey to be safe and not lonely. Please, I beg and pray.

With all my Love and Hope.
Please keep Miles and all our missing pets in your prayers. St. Anthony, please bring all our missing pets home safely. Please also keep the worried owners in your prayers.

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