Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos Shrine : A mecca for faithful seeking healing, miracles, affirmation

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NEW ORLEANS – Joyce Bourgeois sees miracles all the time at the National Shrine of Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos where she serves as administrator.

“People come from all over. Some of them come here and, if they’re ill, they feel like their case is hopeless and they come here with total despair. Then, first thing you know, we pray with them and they come back and they keep coming back,” she said.

“It’s a spiritual healing that a lot get, although we see a lot of physical and psychological healings. I just love being a part of this. It has been an experience and I can tell you that I’m a better person and a stronger person because of Father Seelos.”
Read the rest of the story at Gulf Pine Catholic

I have spoken to Joyce and her daughter on a few occasions. They are lovely people, willing to help and willing to talk story about their beloved Father Seelos. It was Joyce who shared with me stories of Father Seelos healing pets in need, as I think I have previously written about.

Mahalo to MJ for sharing.


  1. All animals are loved.Please pray for my dog Zeus he has enlarged prostate and they are doing an MRI tomorrow. It might be cancer and he needs all your prays.

    Thank you


  2. Pat, your prayer request has been posted. We will be praying for Zeus.


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