Monday, April 5, 2010

Update on Patch the Cat

From Jon:
I give thanks for all your prayers for my cat Patch. Please continue to pray for Patch.

Patch is doing better. Saturday I was not sure if he would last another day on this earth.

Saturday night I noticed something was different. I cannot tell you exactly what but he was just different. I watched him closely and I became convinced he was getting better.

It was hard to go to sleep that night and when I awoke on Easter Sunday I was anxious to see him but confident he would be better.

He was definitely better.

I said nothing to anyone else and just watched him. He was no longer acting sick. He was a little pinker but not a lot - just a little. Sunday before dinner I pulled my wife aside and whispered to her that Patch was better.

I had prayed Saturday to St. Jude and St. Francis, to the Saints mentioned on this sight and to John Paul and Mary for intercession with Our Lord.

I asked John Paul for his intercession because I always saw him as such a sweet and Holy man. I asked the Holy Spirit to heal Patch and prayed that Jesus would have mercy on Patch*.

I give thanks to God for what he has done with Patch. Please continue to Pray for Patch as he still has a ways to go.

One more thing I will tell you. For me, after witnessing this, nothing can be the same.

Bless his Holy Name.
As you can see, prayers have helped Patch to get better.

*. I have left Jon's email here in its entirety. Clarification is needed here: animals do not have immortal souls nor do they have the ability to sin.


  1. Personally, I've never had any doubt whatsoever that animals have immortal souls. (After all, I've no less proof of their souls than of my own.) But I didn't take Jon's comment to mean that. I simply took it as a request for Jesus' mercy toward an ailing animal's body, not necessarily mercy on the animal's soul. Who among us has not begged the Lord to be merciful and ease the suffering of a loved one? And what a joy to see such a prayer answered!

  2. Christine, I see what you are saying re: Jon's comments. Thank you for pointing that out. As for the immortal soul for animals, it is not Catholic teaching.


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