Saturday, April 10, 2010

Prayer Request for Maggie the Dog

Please pray for Maggie. She is a 14 year old German Shepard Mix. She has multiple health problems (thyroid, liver, arthritis, sensitive stomach, beginning of cataracts and is somewhat deaf), all of which are under control and I supposed come with age. We found out recently however, that she is beginning to show signs of Degenerative Myelopathy and hopefully the precautions the vet has helped us take will slow the degeneration of her nerves. We've also discovered a tumor on her paw. She will be undergoing surgery Tuesday 13 April 2010 (after an over night at the vet's from Monday) to remove the tumor and biopsy it. I know I have been very blessed to have her in my life the last 14 years, but it would mean the world to me to have her a while longer, especially since I don't get to see her often anymore since I'm away at school and my loving parents take care of her for me. I'm so worried that while this is a normal procedure, that something might happen due to her age and health. Please, please offer up a prayer for her health and strength and that she not suffer? It would mean so much. She is so special to me and my family. I'm not ready to say goodbye. Thank you and please know I am praying for all of your intentions as well!
Please keep Maggie and her owner in your prayers!

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