Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Prayer Request for Lama the Cat

From Christine:
Yesterday we had to make the decision to have our sweet, wonderful, ten year old golden retriever, Jake, put to sleep. We had hoped he would respond to medication but sadly his kidneys just couldn't keep up. After only a few days, he stopped eating altogether and lost all his strength. We know it was the right decision but the ache is still intolerable. Doubtless that inimitable and profound phrase, "Good dog!" was coined with him in mind.

Only a few hours later, I noticed that my senior cat, Lama, had a small nosebleed. Calling the vet, I was told to bring her in immediately. They discovered she has a growth just inside her nose which they need to remove and biopsy. Most of our money was just spent on Jake's palliative care so we may need to delay Lama's surgery a bit. Even then, I am afraid of what the biopsy will reveal. I lost my one great love, my Leopold, a little over a year ago. I honestly don't know how much more my heart can take.

Please, pray for my little Lama, pray for some good news for her. Thank you.
Please keep Lama and all our pets in need, in your prayers. I would also ask that you keep Christine in your prayers as she mourns the loss of Jake, her beloved dog.

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