Saturday, April 24, 2010

Prayer Request for D.C. the Cat

From Roxanne:
My mother, who is ailing fast, had to give up her home a year ago and sent her precious cat to live with me. He is the most loving and wonderful cat you can imagine. He has been with me a year and has never attempted to go outside. Last Saturday evening, he apparently went past me onto the patio and got outside. I have not been able to find him since. I have placed an ad in the local paper, put up flyers, and asked around. He has not come home. I pray each night for his return. Please help me and include him in your prayers. His name is D.C. He is about 12 to 13 years old. Black. Please help.
Please keep D.C. and all our missing pets in your prayers. Please keep Roxanne's ailing mom in your prayers too.

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