Monday, March 15, 2010

Urgent Prayer for Barney the Dog

From Alex and Family:
Our dog Barney is a 12 year old Border Collie and the most wonderful family dog you could have ever asked for!
He has been with us through some very sad times, including when my young children and I watched my husband die suddenly one night 2 years ago. He is a kind, gentle, sensitive and faithful companion whom we cherish deeply. 4 days ago we were told he has Canine Lymphoma that seems to be fairly aggressive.
Please can you send prayers and healing thoughts for him. We do not wish him to suffer and hope that when the time comes he will pass quietly in his sleep. Today he played catch with my children and our other dog Star and was full of life but now he is tired and short of breath.
We love him so so much!

With our eternal thanks
We ask for the intercession of St. Martin de Porres and Blessed Seelos, healers of pets, to heal Barney and all our seriously ill pets, if it be God's will. Thanks all for your prayers!

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