Thursday, March 18, 2010

Update on Jelly the Dog - Better News!

From Karina:
I am happy to report that Father Seelos and Our Blessed Mother have helped my dog Jelly tremendously. I am forever grateful to them. Thank you so much for suggesting and introducing me to Bl. Seelos.

Jelly is being discharged today and although his improvement is slowly coming along, the talk about putting him down has seized. He is walking, eating and drinking on his own. The only medication he is on now is phenobarbitol for the seizures, he is off valium. I am extremely happy, thankful and hopeful for his full recovery.

I ask that we keep praying so that he continues to improve.

Thank you so much and God Bless. I will definitely have all the pets in my prayers today.
Thank you so much Blessed Mother and Blessed Seelos. Thank you all for your prayers. Please continue to keep Jelly, all our pets in need, and their owners in your prayers.

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