Monday, March 29, 2010

Update on Dingir the Dog and Urgent Prayer Request for Midnight the Cat

From Kevin:
We are very appreciative for the prayers for our dog, Dingir and are pleased to report that he appears to be improving daily. He is still a happy dog.

Now our cat, Midnight, was just diagnosed with a mass in her chest cavity. She has fluid accumulation and the vet said she may not survive the night. Once again we are asking prayers for her. It really means a lot to know that we have people praying with us. Thank you and thank everyone who has shared with us in intercessory prayer for our missing and ill pets over these past months. May God richly bless.
Thanks for your prayers for Dingir. Please continue to pray for him.

Also, please keep Midnight and all our seriously ill pets in your prayers.  We especially ask for the intercession of Bl. Seelos and St. Martin de Porres.

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