Saturday, March 27, 2010

Update and Praise Report on Toby the Kitten

From Rebecca:
I just wanted to write and let you know that little Toby came out of the wall. At about 6:00AM or so this morning, my mother heard Toby's brother Owen clawing desperately at the door of the room that had the hole Toby jumped in to. Then she heard a tiny little mew and she when she opened the door, there he was. Dirty and with a little limp, but he was back and safe.

Her building is a four story brownstone-esque type building divided in to condos and our property management team told her that Toby could have gone anywhere in the building, so the fact that he's back, I think, is due in large part to the prayers and hopes of others. To us, it feels like a miracle.

Thank you and your readers so very very much for helping us! I think it made all the difference in the world. We were praying and praying and praying, but we needed help.

I've attached some pictures of my little baby, so you can see who you helped come back to us!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

God bless,

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